Friday, January 25, 2013

The Results!

I truley appoligize for not posting the results sooner, I had midterms, I'm sure you'll all understand. So with out further ado, here are the results of the first Gymternet Awards!

Best Informational Blog
The winner of the Gymternet's favorite informational blog is...
The Couch Gymnast with 137 votes!
Second Place- World of GymnastIke with 37 votes
Third Place- Gymnastics Coaching with 16 votes
Fourth Place- GymNewsTics with 10 votes
Fifth Place- ReWriting Russian Gymnastics with 7 votes

Best Twitter Accounts
Your favorite Twitter is....
GymnastsLife with 71 votes
Second Place- SpannyTampson with 22 votes
Third Place- TripleTwistBlog with 21 votes
Fourth Place- DaggettTim with 14 votes
Fifth Place- GetaGripGymBlog with 13 votes
Sixth Place- LChops96 with 10 votes
Seventh Place- EquestrianKim with 6 votes
Eighth Place- ArabianPFBlog with 5 votes

Favorite Tumblr
Your favorite Tumblr on the gymternet is...
StarkOfWinterfell with 38 votes
Second Place- Bekah The Gym Fan with 22 votes
Third Place- WhatShouldGymFansCallMee with 17 votes
Fourth Place- Myinnermonoblogue with 16 votes
Fifth Place- Komofina with 9 votes
Sixth Place- Magnesium Carbonate with 6 votes
Seventh Place- Gymternet Twister

Most Opinionated Blogger
You think that the most opinionated blogger is....
Spanny Tampson with 44 votes
Second Place- GetAGripGymblog with 19 votes
Third Place- @axlwhisp with 11 votes
Fourth Place- Triple Twist Gym Blog with 7 votes
Fifth Place- Double Double Gym Blog with 4 votes

Most Open Minded
The most understanding person on the gymternet is....
GetAGripGymblog with 18 votes
Second Place- Triple Twist Gym Blog with 14 votes
Third Place- Equestrian Kim with 10 votes
Fourth Place- Double Double Gym Blog with 8 votes
Fifth Place- ArabianPF with 7 votes
Sixth Place- GymFanBlog with 5 votes
Seventh Place- Gymternet Twister with 0 votes

Best Gymnast
The Best Gymnast is...
Jennifer Pinches with 42 votes
Second Place- Anna Burns with 26 votes
Third Place- Savannah Scherling and Briley Cassanova with 22 votes each
Fifth Place- Dylan with 6 votes
Sixth Place- Gwen Sullivan with 3 votes

Best Montage Maker
Your favorite montages belong to...
AshleyakaFlipper with 44 votes
Second Place- CSaccullo with 30 votes
Third Place- SuperGymmie with 11 votes
Fourth Place- Kim and xGymCouture with 2 votes
Sixth Place- The Gym Effect with 1 vote

Best Photo Maker
Your favorite photo maker is.....
Fierce Five Photos with 50 votes
Second Place- Kim with 13 votes

Most Inspirational Blogger
You guys think the most after reading....
The Couch Gymnast with 39 votes
Second Place- Dvora Meyers with 16 votes
Third Place- Double Double Gym Blog with 8 votes
Fourth Place- GetAGripGymblog with 6 votes
Fifth Place- Spanny Tampson with 4 votes
Sixth Place- The Balance Blog with 3 votes

Hardest Worker
The hardest worker on here is....
The Couch Gymnast with 42 votes
Second Place- Triple Twist Gym Blog with 14 votes 
Third Place- WOGymnastIke with 12 votes 
Fourth Place-  GetAGripGymblog with 5 votes
Fifth Place- Spanny Tampson with 3 votes
Sixth Place- Double Double Gym Blog with 2 votes 
Seventh Place- Gymternet Twister with 1 vote

Congrats to all the winners!

1 comment:

  1. Bekah is understanding? Spanny isn't opinionated she's a biased jerk.
