Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Gymternet Awards

We have so many bloggers doing awards for the gymnast, but what about us die-hard fans who follow the sport so carefully?  He deserve some love too!  So introducing, The Gymternet Awards!  Below you will find an award, with a description.  It will be your job to read the description and nominate some one from the gymternet who you think best fits the description.  All nominations will be due by Friday, December 21.  Then, the gymternet will decide who wins!  Let's get started!

Best Informational Blog
This blogger or bloggers work tirelessly day and night delivering the latest news in the gymternet, and sites are updated by the minute.  The first place to look for the most recent news for most gymnastics fans.  They Often provide quick hits for major and minor competitions, and are the most reliable source around.

Best Twitter Account
Whether this person makes you laugh, holds games and contest, or over all your favorite tweets to read, you always look forward to seeing what this account does next.  You often find yourself on their page just re-reading old tweets or messages.  Your favorite person on twitter to talk to, laugh with or just read what they have to say.

Favorite Tumblr
Whether this person has the best gifs, funniest sense of humor or best photo sets, you love seeing this blog appear on your dash.  These people always post or reblog the coolest looking gifs or photo sets.

Most Opinionated Blogger
They have opinions about everything, not that that's a bad thing!  Some opinions you agree with, other not so much, but this blogger isn't afraid to share their opinion!

Most Open-Minded Person
This person will listen to all of your problems with out judgeing you, and will offer opinion when you need it.  You know you can go to this person for anything and don't mind telling them what you need help with.  This person values every ones opinion and doesn't care if your opinion doesn't match theirs, I'm other words, nicest member if the gymternet.

Best Gymnast on the Gymternet
We are all here because of the sport, and some gymnasts love watching the sport and talking about it as much as they love competing it!  This person is an active member of the gymternet as well as competing for the best sport!

Best Montage Maker
This person truly has a gift for making montages.  Their montages are clearly a step above all other and often give you shivers while you watch their art.  You often find your self waiting anxiously for the next video, and no video is ever a disappointment.

Best Photo Editor
This person's edits are so beautiful that it looks like it is professionally done.  You also sometimes wonder how making a picture so beautiful and breath-taking is possible.  You can't believe how one person has so much talent.

Most Inspirational Blogger
This person's posts are so thought provoking and well written they inspire you to think from a different perspective.  They inspire you to see things in a different light.

Headrest Worker
This person dedicates all free time to the gymternet and making their work as perfect and great as it can be.  They work as much as possible to make the gymternet better, in other words, most dedicated member.


  1. I'm nominating more than 1 for some!
    Best Informational Blog: Gymnastics Coaching
    Best Twitter Account: GetAGripGymblog, SpannyTampson, EquestrianKim
    Favorite Tumblr: BekahTheGymFan
    Most Opinionated Blogger: SpannyTampson, Getagripgymblog
    Most Open-Minded Person: GetAGripGymblog, EquestrianKim
    Best Gymnast on the Gymternet: Gwen Sullivan
    Best Montage Maker: AshleyAkaFlipper, Supergymmie, Taytayandzoee, CSaccullo
    Best Photo Editor: Fierce Five Photos
    Most Inspirational Blogger: GetAGripGymBlog, The Balance Blog
    Headrest Worker: Spanny Tampson, GetAGripGymblog

  2. Best informational blogger- The couch gymnast
    Best twitter account- Triple twist gym blog
    Favourite tumblr- gymternet twister
    Most opinionated blogger- Get a grip gym blog
    Most open-minded person- gymternet twister
    Best gymnast on the gymternet- Jennifer pinches
    Best montage maker- ashleyakaflipper
    Most inspirational blogger- Double double gym blog
    Hardest worker- gymternet twister

  3. Best Twitter: @GymnastsLife!! :)

  4. Best informational blogger- The couch gymnast
    Best twitter account- Triple twist gym blog
    Favourite tumblr- get a grip gym blog
    Most opinionated blogger- Get a grip gym blog
    Most open-minded person- Triple twist gym blog
    Best gymnast on the gymternet- Jennifer pinches
    Best montage maker- ashleyakaflipper
    Most inspirational blogger- Double double gym blog
    Hardest worker- The couch gymnast

  5. Best informational blogger- Gymnewstics, The couch gymnast
    Best twitter account- Triple Twist
    Favorite Tumblr- Magnesium Carbonate
    Most opinionated blogger- Get a grip
    Most open-minded person- Triple Twist
    Best gymnast on the gymternet- Savannah Scherling
    Best Montage Maker- ashleyakaflipper
    Most inspirational blogger- Spanny
    Best photo editor- Fierce Five photos
    Hardest Worker- Couch Gymnast

  6. Best Informational Blog: The Couch Gymnast
    Best Twitter Account: Arabian Punch Front
    Favorite Tumblr: myinnermonoblog - Lauren Hopkins
    Best Montage Maker: xGymCouture
    Most Inspirational Blogger: Dvora Meyers
    Hardest Worker: Triple Twist Gym Blog

  7. Best informational blog – World of Gymnastike

    Best Twitter Account – GetAGripBlog

    Favorite Tumblr – Komofina

    Most Opinionated Blogger – DoubleDouble, TripleTwist i like you guys both it’s hard to say which goes first

    Most Open-Minden Person – GetAGripBlog

    Best Gymnast on the Gymternet - Jennifer Pinches

    Best Montage Maker – AshleyAkaFlipper

    Most Inspirational Blogger – GetAGripBlog

    Headrest Worker – again you guys TripleTwist and DoubleDouble

  8. Best informational blogger- The Couch Gymnast
    Best twitter account- @LChops96
    Favourite tumblr- Whatshouldgymnasticscallme
    Best gymnast on the gymternet- Briley Casanova
    Best montage maker- Spanny Tampson
    Hardest worker- Triple Twist Gymblog

  9. Best Informational Blog: The Couch Gymnast
    Best Twitter Account: Lauren Hopkins
    Favorite Tumblr: BekahTheGymFan
    Most Opinionated Blogger: SpannyTampson or Getagripgymblog
    Most Open-Minded Person: Double Double Gym Blog
    Best Gymnast on the Gymternet: Briley Casanova
    Best Montage Maker: CSaccullo
    Most Inspirational Blogger: The Couch Gymnast
    Headrest Worker: wOGymnastike

  10. Best Informational Blog: Gymnastics Coaching
    Best Twitter Account: @DaggettTim
    Favorite Tumblr: magnesiumcarbonate
    Most Opinionated Blogger: Alex Mladinescu (@axlwhisp)
    Most Open-Minded Person: Allie Palmer!!
    Best Gymnast on the Gymternet: Jenni Pinches
    Best Montage Maker: AshleyAkaFlipper
    Best Photo Editor: Fierce Five Photos
    Most Inspirational Blogger: Lauren Hopkins
    Headrest Worker: World Of Gymnastike

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Spanny never udates and Lauren is rude to everyone. There are no good blogs anymore
